
Acolytes are a crucial part of worship! From the processional to the recessional, they start and end the service!

What is an Acolyte and why do they serve?

Acolyte means "to assist or help;" therefore, an acolyte assists the pastors during the worship service. Acolytes can help the pastors serve communion and hold the baptismal font during a baptism. Every Sunday, acolytes bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary and back out at the end of service.

Acolytes have long been a tradition in the Methodist liturgical practice. The symbolism of this act reminds believers of Christ’s presence; and by extinguishing the altar candles at the end of the service, acolytes relight their candle lighter, and process out reminding believers of Jesus’ call to serve and spread His light to people everywhere.

Acolytes participate because of their desire to grow in their commitment to the church and to God by enhancing the worship ceremony for all. Most youth begin to serve around the age of 8 or 9, but training is available to any youth in the 3rd grade or older. Training for acolytes occurs 2 times a year - fall and spring.

Can I be an Acolyte?

Of course! Serving as an acolyte can be very rewarding and is an important part of the worship leadership team. It’s a leadership role and can be listed on school transcripts and college applications. 

I’m interested – what do I do?

Contact our church office at 315-598-4888 to sign up for our next training session.